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Message Board

Please email your digital 2013 reunion photos to Rich Gabriel at

( for inclusion in Photobucket and the website.

If you upload photos to the website please still send the photos for inclusion

in Photobucket. The photos will appear larger at that location. Thank You!

- Rich Gabriel

Willie Ward has passed away

Willie Ward passed away Janaury 27th.  A new page has been set up (In Memory of Coach Ward) so we can share our thoughts and memories of Willie - please do so!

The following condolence was offered to the Ward family on behalf of the Class of 1963.


We are very sorry for your loss and offer our condolences to the Ward Family.   

For several years, Willie coached Football, Basketball, Softball and Track at St Frances of Rome.  It is amazing that a young man carving out his own path in life would give so much of himself to us.  We are truly thankful for: his dedication and commitment of time; his imparting values (teamwork, effort, respect) in us; and his leadership, discipline and guidance. 

 In retrospect, we were very fortunate that Willie bridged a gap in our lives.  He gave us structure, values, accountability, and direction when we were outside the home and classroom.  His influence on us has been lifelong - Willie made us better people!

 Thanks Coach from the SFR Class of 1963! 


Reunion Volunteers – We need help!

Carolanne has invested a lot of time and money in moving this reunion from concept to reality (Thank You Carolanne).  Now we have an opportunity to help in making this weekend become another lasting SFR memory.  Please review the volunteer options below, and consider sharing your skills, time, and/or dollars in making this reunion a success. Contact Carolanne to help!    
Organizing Chair: Carolanne Melick (Gutowski)
Reception Event Coordinator: Carolanne Melick (Gutowski)
Class Gift to SFR: Tina Bowen (Jandris) and Joe Papa
Reception Emcee: John Korinek
In Memoriam Sign: Nita LoGiudice (Spirek)
Cake: Kathy Lukavsky (O'Connor)
Name tags: Mary Pat Fisher (Judge) 
Website: Jim Cerny, Richard Gabriel; Tom Robin
Chauffeur for Sr. Corine: Tom Robin
Memorabilia Table - Dianne Heflin (Maltese) & Janet Salihar (DeRose)
Music Ipod & Dock - Jim Capparelli 
Class of '63 Sign: Angelo Catapano
SFR tour & Memorial Mass: Nick Esposito and Kathy Lukavsky (O'Connor) 
Happy Hour Event Coordinator: Pat Hayes
Decorations: Mary Brennan (DiOrio)
Goodie Bags: Diana Summers (Brodman)
Picnic Event Coordinator: Paul Prazak 

Photo Editor: Rich Gabriel (accumulate, organize and post photos from reunion events)

Jim Cerny
Coach Ward's Regards

Unfortunately Coach Willie Ward was not able to be our guest at any Reunion activities.  Below is a brief message from our Coach.


I've been  hobbled since February and just finished 100 days in a nursing home. I appreciate the invite, but regret I can't attend. Give my regards to all your classmates.

Jim Cerny
City Champs - St. Frances of Rome 1963!!

I had to make sure that we are reminded of the Greatest Softball Team that ever played CYO and became City Champs!!!  I still remember the season and especially the championship game at Grant Park.

 See y'all in September, can't wait.

Leonard Lioi

I kept Bill Boland's t-shirt from the 1983 SFR Class Reunion (he was the only missing team member) and in spring of 2002 while traveling to DC on a college trip for my daughter, we visited the Viet Nam Wall and I left Bill's t-shirt in a plastic bag with a note stating that this was his championship shirt and that his classmates missed him.  It was archived.  Hope his family was aware that his classmates were still thinking of him.   

Carolanne Gutowski
Private First Class William J. Boland Jr., USMC

View Alan J. Talacek's ( tribute to Billy at:


Nicholas Esposito
R.I.P. Beloved Coach

Willie Ward, may God hold you close for eternity,

as we do in our hearts until the day we die and rejoin you

on those Playing Fields forever! We love you like a father.


Kim David Tetzloff, Class of 1963