Gone But Not Forgotten

2101 club
4901 Club - 4901 W. Roosevelt Rd - Cicero
A & P - Then National - Then Food For Less
Adamski Florists
Air Tite
Alden's on Cicero & Roosevelt or at Goodman's on 18th and Cicero
Alexander McConechy's
Al's Auto Graveyard - On Ogden just before Austin
American Legion Post - Where the Berwyn library is located
Amphenol - 18th & 54th - Cicero
Anderson Furniture - On Stanley - It's Able Printing now
Andes Candies - Southeast corner of Cermak & Oak Park Ave
Andy's Tavern - Ridgeland Ave
Aquarius Records - Windsor and Grove - Now La Noltes
Art Flo - On Roosevelt Road
Art's Cycle And Toy Shop - Two locations - Cermak Road and 26th near Ridgeland
Arthur Treachers - On Harlem in Riverside
Art's Hobby Shop
Baby Tot's Studio - Cermak Road between 58th Ct and 59th Ave
Barrett Roofing Co. - 16th and 51st (GW)
Barts - On Cicero Ave
Becker Bros
Bel-Air Drive In Theater - 31st Street and Cicero Avenue
Bella Napoli
Beranek Pontiac
Berwyn Dairy - On 27th and Ridgeland
Berwyn Finer Foods - Formerly National Food Store
Berwyn Home Video
Berwyn Library - North and South
Berwyn Lumber Yard
Berwyn National Bank
Berwyn News Agency - 32nd & Grove
Berwyn Recreation - 6640 W. Cermak Rd - Berwyn
Berwyn Theater
Beverly Records - On Cermak
Big Al's
Big Top
Bill's Junk Shoppe - Oak Park and Roosevelt - Beer signs and vintage bungalow fixtures
Bishop's Chilli - Roosevelt Road block west of Harlem
Black Forest Inn - Oak Park & Vacin Fairway
Blue Fountain
Bob's Big Boy
Bonnie and Clyde's
Bonnie Miss--The Old Cicero Bottling Company
Botello's - On Roosevelt
Browns Chicken - On Harlem and the one in Cicero
Bunyons - Ogden and Lombard
Buster Brown Shoe Store - On Cermak Road in Cicero.
Cabin Restaurant
Cairo Italian Deli - On Roosevelt
Calvert "For Beauty"
Cappetta's Funeral Home - 5858 W Roosevelt Rd
Cappy's Corner
Captain Crow's T-shirt - On Cermak Road next to the old Seneca Restaurant
Carey's Bakery - 14th & 49th - Cicero
Carey's Donut Shop - On Cermak Rd
Carm's Beef - On Roosevelt Rd
Carnival - Lombard and Cermak next to bike shop
Casablanca Flea Market
Casciani's - On 16th and 59th
Celebrity Olds - On Ogden
Chain of Fools
Charlie Browns - Later became Ducks Pond
Checkers - In Berwyn and in Cicero
Chicago Auto Parts - Ogden Ave just west of Ridgeland
Chicago Block Bakery
Cicero bowl - 59th and Cermak Rd. Upstairs across from Morton Book Store
Cicero Cab Company - Next to the police station on 25th St
Cicero Finer Foods
Cicero Society Hall
Cigar Store - With the wooden Indian out front on 25th & Laramie
Cigarette Store on Roosevelt - That sold bongs
Cindy Qwik
Cinema Theater - Riverside Mall - Formerly Best Buy
Cinnabon - In the mall
Claire Powell Dance Studios - Above Esquire Restaurant - Some dancers were on call by Magnam
Clark's Custard - Ogden Ave
Clover Tap
Clowns Alley
Club Algiers (Merola's)
Cobra Lounge
Cock Robin
Cole's Pub - Oak Park Ave south of the "L" tracks
Colonial Camera Shop - On Windsor - Now OOT/Martin-Air
Comfy Tap - Became Walkers then Paces Place
Community Discount
Cozy's Corner Store - 16th and 61st Ct - NE Corner
Crown Music
Cuculich Oldsmobile
CUFCO appliance
Danly Machine Co - On Laramie Ave
Dean's Diner - Laramie next to the old Cigar store on 25th
Dean's Go-Cart And Truck Stop - On Cicero across from Hawthorne Race Track
Deer Lodge
De Mar's - On Cermak Rd
Dempsey's - 58th Ave and Cermak Rd
DeVitos Pizza
Diamond T Truck Co. - Behind Western Electric West of Kostner Ave
Dino's Hot Dogs
Discount Store - 14th & 49th - Cicero
Dog & Suds On Ogden
Dolly's Candy Store - Across the street from Leeman's
Don's Flower Shop - 14th & 49th - Cicero
Duke's Roadhouse - On Roosevelt Rd
Dvorak Buick
Edith's Dance Studio (Raspis) - Around the corner from Andes Candies on Cermak and Oak Park Ave
Ed's Butcher Shop - In Hawthorne
E.J. Korvettes - North Riverside mall
Erwin Drug Store
Esquire Restaurant - Esquire fire(?) Re-opened one block east
Falcon Hall - Kitty corner from Saint Dionysious
Fannie May Candy Store - Cicero and 22nd Street
Farrell's - In the Mall
Fashions By Eve
Figatner-Scott Paints
Fillmore Used Books
Fingerhut Bakery - Windsor/Grove
Fire Alarm
First Nationl Bank Of Cicero - Pinnacle Bank - Fifth Third Bank
Fontano's - On 16th Street
Forest Lanes
Forest Preserves - Cermak and Harlem before the Cermak Plaza was built
Fountain on Oak Park Ave and Windsor
Fox Studio
Frank's Nursery And Crafts
Freddy's Italian Ice
Frejlach's Ice Cream - 7112 Cermak Road
French 75
Fruit Store - 14th & 49th, Cicero
Fuggedaboutit - On 16th Street
Gay View
G.C. Murphy Co.
General Electric
Giovanni's Pizza - Grove and Roosevelt Rd
Golden Drugs - On Ogden & Maple
Goss Printing Press Co - South of Ogden Ave - East a bit of where 31st Street intersected it
GoTane Gas Station - Ogden and 31st Street
Govener Lanes - On Roosevelt - 8 Lanes and Pinspotters
Grandy's - On 49th Ave
Gunzo's - Original - Where Holiday Truck Rental is on Harlem & Roosevelt. Next to the A&P that burned down
Harry's Barbershop
Hawthorne Shoes
Hick's Hardware
Hot Point
Houdek pharmacy - 25th street and Central Ave
House Of Vinyl
Ida Florists
Illinois T.V
Imperial Camera Shop - Harold Soffer owned it
Island Liquors
Jack Phelan Chevrolet
Jack's Mens Shop - Cermak Rd - cicero
Jack Sharky's Hobby Shop - Behind Olympic Savings on Lombard.
J C Penney
Jewel at 6840 Windsor Ave - Primary Care Associates is now located.
Jewel Food Store in Cermak Plaza - Became The Egg Store when the Jewel/Osco was built across Harlem Ave
Jimmy's sports bar
Jim's Meat Market - 16th and 61st Ave
Jocko and Jerry's - 31st and 50th
Joe's Grill - On Ogden
Johnny's Standard Station - Oak Park and Ogden Ave
Joseph's - East and Roosevelt Rd - SE corner
Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant - 26th street a few blocks East of Ridgeland
Kaucky's Pharmacy
Kentucky Liquors - Cermak and 58th Court
Keska's - 26th and 61st Ave N - North side of 26th - Original was N/E corner of 26th st and 59th Ct
King Pharmacy
Kings - Hot Dogs on Roosevelt
Kings & Queens (Nicky's) on Roosevelt
Knitting Corner
Knotty Pine - On 35th
Kohlers Pharmacy 26th & Ridgeland
Konik's Shoe Store
Kral's Music Store - On Cermak road
Kreji's Candies
Kropp Forge Co - On Laramie Ave
Kufco's Furniture Store - On Ogden
LaVergne's Pharmacy
Lil Deb 'n Heir
Little Bavaria - 25th PL. & Central
Louie's and Joe's Hot Dog Stand on Roosevelt Rd - Then Joey opened on 16th and Central
Lubben's Pour House
Lucille Filmore's
Lyons Den
M&D's Tavern - Ridgeland Ave
MacNeals Gift Shop
Madigans - In the mall
Magnum Chateau
Mahoney-Sirovatka Buick - Cermak Rd - Cicero
Majestics Distributers
Major's on Ogden just west of Harlem
Manny Pearl's on 35th Street
Manor Pizza
Marie's Foods (everyone called it Roys)
Mario's Pizza
Marshall Savings and Loan
Mayna's Pizza - 14th & 50th - Moved to Cermak between 50th and 51st - East of the old Jewel/Uhaul
Mazzone's Italian Ice - On 26th street
McConachie's - 26th Street
Michael's Magic Touch
Mickey's Deli
Midamerica Federal Savings And Loan Association - Then National City - Now PNC Bank
Midnite Hour Lounge
Millbridge Roller Rink - You could Skate Sunday afternoons from 2PM to 4PM for like 50 cents!
Miss Mayfields
ModernAge Appliances
Moravchek Funeral Home
Morie's Liquors - He had a Pabst Blue Ribbon sign in front
Morton Bookstore
Morton Cab Co - Cermak Road around 54th ave
Morrie Mages Sports
Mother's Day Restaurant - On Cermak Road
Mr. Beef - On Ogden
Mr. Central's - 14th & 49th Ct - Cicero
Mr. G's
Murphy Motors
Murray's Deli - Ogden & Harlem- Murray's is now a bank - Was torn down over 30 years ago
Mustang On Roosevelt
National Bowling Lanes - NE corner at Cermak and Home - Now Currency Exchange
National Food Store
Nepils Butcher Shop - Ogden Ave
Newberry's - Cermak Plaza
News Stand - Cermak and Austin
News Stand - East and Cermak
Nice N Easy - On 35th & Central
Nicky's MGM Club - "bookie"
Norbert's Drug Store - Stanley and Oak Park Ave
O'Keefe Brothers Coal Co - Grant Works Area
Old Fire Station
Old Prague Restaurant - 5928 W Cermak Rd
Old Sarge PX
Old Ambassador Hall
Olympic bank - Across the street from Art's toy shop
Olympic Theatre - 61st Ct and Cermak Rd
Orange Julius - In the Mall
Palace bowl - 5240 W 25th St - Cicero
Pancer Crystals
Papa Joe's - 16th Street
Parente's on 26th Street
Parks (Joe ) Rexall Drug - Cermak & Ridgeland - Southeast corner
Parky's - On Roosevelt
Pat's Pizzeria
Paul Bunyon's Statue - On Ogden - Currently in Atlanta IL on Route 66
Penny Fountain - that used to be in the mall
Pechter Hardware
Pee Wee's - On 26th across from VFW just past Ridgeland Ave
Pepe's Tacos - Now a laundromat on Ogden
Peter Pan Restaurant
Petite Lounge
Pet Supplies Plus - On Cermak
Piper House (is it still there?)
Pivonka's Mens Store
Plant 10
Poor Pat's
Prince Castle - Then Cock Robin - Cermak off Home Ave - Square ice cream scoop for double or triple scoop cone
Prosch Drug Store
Pup and Pop - On Ogden
Puppy Palace - North Riverside Mall
Puttrum's Corner Store - 15th & 49th Ct - Cicero
Raikes/Woolworths (remember the fire?)
Ray's grill - 22nd & 61st ct
Red Onion Bar - Ogden and Highland
Reds Grill
Rexall Drug Store - One on Roosevelt & one on Ogden
Ritz Theatre
Richard's Lilac Lounge - Where Lalo's is
Rizzo's Sporting goods - Formerly Tom Thumbs on Roosevelt Road
Robert Hall Clothes
Roma Pizza
Roxy Theater - On Roosevelt
Roxy Tavern
Russell's Pharmacy - 14th & 49th Ct - Cicero
Saber Foods
Saint Anthony's Bank - 15th & 49th Ct - Cicero
Saint Frances Of Rome Church and School - 15th and Austin Blvd - Torn Down
Salerno's - On 16th (original)
Scathell's - On Laramie Ave
Scholars - Down the block from Bonnie Miss - Jewel
Scissors Palace
Scrapp's - 1440 S 49th Ct - Cicero
Service Merchandise - Cermak Plaza
Setback South - Across from Riverside Country Club
Silver Spur
Shakey's Pizza
Shoppers World - Cermak and 59th
Shortstop Gas Station - 16th and Lombard
Show of Shows
Snow Flake
Sorrento's - On Cermak Road
South Cicero Tavern
Sportman's Lounge - On Roosevelt
Sportsman park - Horse track and Car Track - To be redeveloped
Starostas Meat Market
Stein's Pizza and Bar
Striker Lanes on 13th and Harlem - Took over Euclid bowl on 16th street
Suburban Lanes - 6046 W. Roosevelt Rd - Oak Park Ave
Sugar Shack Ice Cream - Stanley and Grove
Sunbeam Corp
Svoboda's Meat Market on Cermak
Swiss Colony - In the Mall
The 5 & 10 Store - On Cermak Road
The Airplane
The Alpine
The bar on 16th & Ridgeland
The Black Forest aka Big Daddy's later on
The Chariot
The Corner Store - Name? - SE corner 29th and Ridgeland
The Cottage
The Copper Mug
The Cozy Kitchen - On Cermak kitty-corner from the Berwyn Theater
The Drive In
The Escape - Where VCA is on Harlem
The Hardware Store - 14th & 49th - Cicero
The Hobby Shop - Olymipic Savings Building - South side on Lombard owned by Jack Sharkey
The Jewelery Store - 14th & 49th - Cicero
The Jockey Club
The king and I - 23rd place and Laramie ave
The Mineshaft
The Missile - Then became Scatchell's on Laramie
The Pelican
The Pilsner
The Rail Tracks - Just north of Cermak Road where the old train line used to be
The Ratskeller
The Smokehouse - In the Mall
The Spindle - In the Cermak Plaza
The Spot
Tenmore club - Across the street from the 25th Street Firehouse
The Sunset Inn
The Villa
Thor Washing Machine Co.
TJ's Snack Shop - 26th Street next to the fire station, across from Mazzone's
Town Barber Shop
Town Revue
Towne Hotel - Cermak Rd between Cicero and 49th ave
Troy Department Store
Turano Bakery
Two Sisters - 60th Ct and Cermak Rd - South side
V.F.W. - 1434 South 49th Ct - Cicero
Valentine Little League
Van Dykes Dept Store
Valentine's Restaurant
Verner's - In Cicero - Second Place
Virginia Cleaners - 16th and 61st Ave - SE Corner - Then Hair Salon and a Flower Shop
Vydra meat market - 16th and East Ave
Wagon Wheel Restaurant - Cermak Plaza - Now a McDonalds
Walgreens - Cermak & Austin - NE corner
Weinkeller - Roosevelt just west of Ridgeland - Turano's parking lot now
Weird Harold's News stand
West Cicero/Berwyn little league
Western Electric Hawthorne Plant
Whatever four - 31st and Central - Has been torn down - Was called The Crest Lounge
Wilk's - East Ave and Roosevelt - SW corner next to Golden Rexall
Windsor Hobby Shop
Windy City Bowl on Cicero Ave. John Candy made a film there.
Wishing Well's Steak House
Woolworths in Cicero
YMCA in Cicero - Austin and 25th St.



Grant Works - Hawthorne - Boulevard Manor - The Island

Square Dancing - At Hiawatha School

Playing "pinners" or "porch ball"

Fast pitch boxes at grammar schools with a playground right underneath the signs that read

The old guy who used to go up and down the alleys and streets sharpening knives. The cart had yellow wagon wheels.

Before it was the North Riverside shopping center it was a tree nursery.

Streetcars (Electric Bus) ran on Cermak out to the Brookfield Zoo. The car barn was on the NW corner of Cermak and Harlem. The tracks ran along the center of the street and were still in place up to Lombard Avenue. Berwyn had by then ripped them out. The "L" ran as far as Oak Park Avenue.

Selling Christmas trees on vacant lots along Cermak Rd. Northeast corner of Cermak and East Avenue was an open lot.

4th of July always found a stand set up selling fireworks just west of Harlem on Cermak Road on the Northwest corner. Legal in North Riverside?

Cement Trash Cans (most of them)

Riding the bike using clothes pins to hold baseball cards that are now worth big bucks against the spokes to make noise!!

Riding on the handlebars of bikes and not having to wear a helmet.

Playgrounds with very high slides - No platform at the top - Merry-Go-Rounds and especially high flyers! A pole with at least 4 ropes and wood ladder - like things hanging from it. Everyone grabs a ladder and you run in a circle. At some point everyone picks up their feet and you fly around the pole. Many of our playgrounds had asphalt surfaces.

The Berwyn Theater continued to operate for another half century. After sitting vacant for several years. The theater was heavily damaged in a blaze in 1990 and demolished afterwards.

Regarding the Berwyn Theater. This site gives you the low down on the Theater and what happened.

Please read the comments below the article, as the comments give MORE information than the actual article.

Berwyn Theater Article

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                      This is not a complete list and accuracy is not guaranteed. :-)
