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50th Reunion Thoughts

Feel free to share your 50th Renuion thoughts and comments with your classmates - just add them we'll get them posted.


If you want to send Sister Corine or a classmate an individual email, visit the Classmates pages.  Sister Corine is listed as "Sister Corine AAA" (the first entry).  Classmates are listed in alphabetical order (maiden names).  

Upon locating the appropriate classmate, use their "Send an email to this classmate" link to initiate the email. 

For security purposes initiators do not have access to the recipient's actual email address.  Only if the recipient responds will their email address be shared with the initiator. 


Sr. Corine's Message

Good morning, "Kids",

I hope you are all safely home, sober, wiser and grateful for the great blessing this weekend has been for all of us.  I do not have the words or the ability to express my gratitude to you for a weekend that will be etched in my memory for ever.

This morning at prayer I realized that, while I have not been a biological mother, I have been surrogate mother to many and it was that parental joy and pride that surfaced so intensely this past weekend.  I was so proud of all of you and so impressed by your love, acceptance, and caring you showed for each other, for those who were not present and especially for classmates who have gone to their eternal reward.

That you began the weekend celebration with a Mass said volumes to me.  It was a special experience and a moving one. I thank you for the preparation and devotion to detail that made the Mass so special.  Of course our wonderful cantor, Nick and accompanist, Kathy raised it to even greater heights.  Thank you.

I thank all of you for allowing this "old lady" to be part of your entire weekend.  Special thanks to Carolanne for initiating and directing this entire event and thanks to the wonderful committee who cooperated so well in executing the details.

Thanks to my chauffer, Tom and his wife Carol for braving the traffic and getting me from A to B in style and comfort, to Pat and Marlene Hayes, who got me to Mass on Sunday morning, when I know Pat was recouping from a late night of sipping soft drinks! To Leonard who took Carolanne and me for a trip down memory lane by cruising around the "old neighborhood" and to all of you for the love that I felt and joy that you gave.

I could go on and on but I know you have better things to do so suffice it to say that I love you all, I pray for you each day and I hope that we can stay in touch.

Be good, say your prayers, mind your manners and know that you are loved.  (Now doesn't that sound like your moms?)

Blessings and deep gratitude.

Other's Comments>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Patricia Meyers Siffermann: What a beautiful message!  I'm thankful to Mary Ann Barnes for involving me in her pick up from the picnic which lead me to engaging with Sister Corine and a few classmates. It was great to re-meet you all.   It was wonderful to see the love and comaraderie of our class.   So, thank you once again, Carolanne and committee!

Class of 63 Gift to SFR

A check for $4,000 was presented to Steve Hartley, SFR's Director of Advancement at the Reception on Saturday night.  Below is a thank you letter from Mr Hartley on behalf of SFR.  A hearty thank you goes to all who contributed - your generosity far exceeded the goal! A special thanks goes to the efforts and generosity of Joe Papa and the Sons and Daughters of Italian Americans (SADIA).  

Another Very Special Reunion for Marijane & Nick

Our 50th Class reunion is now just a memory, but a memory that will last the rest of our lives. Before we post the pictures from the events, enjoy this very moving story about two of our classmates!  Thank you Marijane and Nick for sharing. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The reunion was such a great success. 

Yesterday, Sunday, there was another wonderful twist to the reunion. 

As many of you know, Marijane Tomaeno and I participated in the Saturday reunion Mass.  She was the greeter.  I cantored.  

Marijane couldn’t make the Sunday picnic.  She had another commitment. 

I couldn’t make the Sunday picnic.  I was invited to cantor a Mass of 20-30 people on the feast day of St. Vincent DePaul. 

Today’s Mass was in the small chapel at Catholic Charities’ offices, 721 N. LaSalle St.  The building was formerly St. Vincent’s Orphanage, until the State no longer allowed the archdiocese to provide maternity and adoption services.  It still provides post-adoption counseling and search services to birth mothers, adoptive parents and adoptees. 

As I walked into the chapel, I look into the small room to my left where the baptismal font is located.  Standing there was Marijane Tomaeno.  I stopped.  She looked up.  We both stared and shouted, “What are you doing here?”  We both answered, “I was born here.”  We then both said, “I was adopted from here.”  We hugged and laughed about the amazing circumstance.  

We had just spent two days together at the reunion after not having seen each other in fifty years.  And here we were standing at the same font in these photos in which, without ever knowing it, 64 years ago and 6 months apart (I’m older – darn) we were baptized by nun/nurses and the same priest. There were more similarities.  

We found out that over the past years, Marijane and I also had done medical and then birth parent searches (my sweet mother Anastasia Esposito had encouraged me to do so).  Marijane and I both found our birth mother’s families.  Both of our birth mothers had died.  We both went to our birth mother’s gravesites to thank them (Marijane’s - here; mine - Youngstown, Ohio).  We both have half-bothers that we have met and speak with often.  Anastasia wrote a letter to my new brothers and met one of them. 

After the Catholic Charities’ Mass, a photo was taken of all the adoptee attendees.  Marijane and I sat next to each other.  We held hands. 

Nick Esposito with the permission of Marijane Tomaeno

Other's Comments  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Janet DeRose Salihar: I cried when I read your story.  God's love and tender mercies are so amazing and wonderful!  It was a very grace filled weekend.  Your story shows how God's grace and love still continues on in our lives.  Thanks so much for sharing it.

Tina Jandris Bowen: I cried too. What an amazing story and what a wonderful ending to such a memory-filled weekend.  Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us.

Angelo Catapano: What are the chances? God bless the both of you.

Leonard Lioi

Sister, Carolanne, Tina, Al, John, Pat, Jim, Fred, Joe, Tommy, Paul and Nick and everyone from SFR Class of 1963,

I want to thank you guys for a most wonderful weekend. It is amazing that we have not seen each other in 20 to 50 years and we really picked up as if we see each other all the time.  The venue was outstanding, the Saturday Night banquet was spectacular even John and his Henny Youngman schtick!!! HA!!

The gift to the school was very special and the food/drink – OUTSTANDING!!!  A PERFECT EVENING!!

I can’t say enough about all that put together this weekend, I LOVED IT!!!  Carolanne did a marvelous job in getting this thing rolling and it snowballed into an extravaganza of a weekend. I am still on a high seeing all my friends from St. Frances of Rome. 

The Friday night thing was a great start, I had many memories come back and it was just the beginning.  My Saturday started perfect, I had breakfast with Sister Corine and Carolanne and then we went on a sightseeing tour. I got to show them around to The Island, Fenwick, The Candy Store (we all bought some) and Carolanne’s home before we headed to St. Frances – IT WAS FANTASTIC! 

Steve was a perfect host letting us tour the school. Thank you Nick for some great Chicago pizza, that was unbelievable as Atlanta has no good pizza at all – NO KIDDING!!  I can’t remember a Mass that moved me as much as Saturday’s, I am so grateful that I had a little part in that celebration.

Saturday Night was just too good for words, getting to see, hug an even KISS my classmates from 50 years was the topper.  I hope to God we can do this again soon, I hope to God that you guys stay in touch with me.  I don’t want 50 years to go by again.  If I am in Chicago on business, we will plan a get together, when I am in San Antonio I am going to see Sister Corine, when I am in Roanoke you bet I will see Carolanne if she has not moved.

When in Atlanta, please, please call me even if you are only passing through.

Bottom Line, I was sincerely moved by this weekend and please let’s stay in touch even if it is just a text or e-mail. A special thanks to Tommy Robin for helping with my Fantasy football issues and giving me a great new web site to check out.  You maybe bugged throughout the rest of the football season!!

Ciao, my friends, I love each and every one of you!!!!!

Other's Comments >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Fred Wilson: I was grappling with exactly what I wanted to say about our very incredible weekend…….made a few notes, thought things over…….and then Len’s message came in.  I knew right away I didn’t need to consider anything else for Len had pretty much said it all.  

Thanks to all who put together a truly memorable weekend!  I particularly echo Len’s comment about all of us just folding right into the friendships we had so many years ago.  Carolanne, you orchestrated a wonderful weekend for all us….THANK YOU.  Mr Cerny, thanks to your web efforts, I have more images and recollections than I thought possible.  Pat for your efforts Friday night, Paul for your efforts Sunday.  Len, for saving me the time putting together a longer note.  Thanks to all. 

It was a great weekend and I hope we don’t wait 40 years to do it again. 

Carolanne Gutowski Melick

Classmates and Friends,
     Wanted to take the opportunity (individual e-mails will follow) to thank you for your participation in a truly wonderful fun-filled weekend.  Each and everyone of your contributions made it special.  The laughs, the stories, the driving trips down memory lane, the toasts, the prayers, the music, the food, the conversation, the shared meals, the photos (past and current), the hugs and kisses, the school room visits (remembering that the toilets and the ceilings weren't that low) and the tears of joy and sadness combined to make last weekend a lasting memory and a common bond for all of us.  You all have a special place in my heart.  Hope we are able to celebrate again and again in the future.  Wishing you health and happiness.....

Love, Carolanne
PS.  Remember to send me updates, if any of your contact information changes.


     Sharing this story with those who attended the reunion events and those who could not attend......about the book that was on display at the reunion for Bill Boland.  Everyone at the reception signed a memory book for Bill.  The book left the reunion with Sr. Corine on a flight bound for San Antonio on Monday, September 30th.  On Thursday, October 3rd Sr. Corine and Al Talacek met up for lunch in San Antonio.  (Al was not able to attend the reunion due to a previous commitment in San Antonio.)  Sr. Corine and Al had a wonderful visit.....after lunch she took him on a tour of the Incarnate Word Chapel.  They spent a few hours together reminiscing.
     Al left Texas for the drive home to DC with Bill's Book.  This journey took him through Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Virginia.  On Saturday, October 18th, Al will visit the Viet Nam Wall in DC and leave Bill's Book there to be archived.  Wanted to share this wonderful story with you and tell you about this special journey that involved all of us in some way or another.  Hope you've all recovered from our whirlwind of a weekend.  Thanks for the newly created memories. 
     Keep checking the website for constant additions. 
Love, Carolanne

Dianne Maltese Heflin

I've gone through life, taking each day as it comes, the good with the bad. Sometimes complaining about the "bad", but not giving thanks as much as I should for the "good".  Until recently, as I've gotten older, have I realized that I have alot more to be thankful for, than to complain about.  I've been blessed. 

I've been blessed with a loving family, from infant-hood to adult; I've been blessed with food on the table, clothes on my back, a roof over my head, and many things I've wanted but didn't need.  I've been blessed with health, a wonderful husband, wonderful children and grandchildren.  And friends.

Three weeks later, and we're still talking about and reliving favorite memories of our 50th Class Reunion.  If that doesn't say something about us, I don't know what will.  Some people, we haven't seen since Graduation Day, 1963, but we were able to pick up like we saw them just yesterday.  Others, we have been in touch with since graduation day, and they have been like family to us.  They've been there for us, sharing our ups and downs, ins and outs, comforting, consoling, encouraging and lifting us up in prayer.

I want to say thank you again, to everyone who put this together.  Especially Carolanne, who really worked hard chasing down addresses and e-mails and keeping everyone focused.  You all worked hard; you did a great job, and you should be very proud of yourselves!

I want to say a special thanks to Sister Corine.  Thank you, Sister!  You kept us in line in 8th grade, you've prayed for us, and we owe much of what we are today to you and the other Sisters who have prayed for us throughout our lives.  Without your prayers, who knows where we would be today?!

I think there will always be a bond between us.  Yes, we went to high school and made friends; we went to college and made friends; we got married and made friends; we went to work and made friends.  But we grew up with each other.  And though some of us may not see each other until our 75th reunion, there will still be that bond.

And so, as I ponder the many blessings I have received, I give thanks for you, my friends.  I have been truly blessed! 

Dianne Maltese
Joe Papa

I said my heartfelt thanks you's to the committee this am. As I sit here and read all the others, I think that what we had 50 years ago was something special even to this day. What a marvelous three days. I'll repeat myself here, I said to my wife this was the best 3 days we had in years. The only tears I saw were tears of joy, even Sr. Corine! And if that was not enough, to top it off with Nick and Marijane's experience, that was awesome.

I want to thank everyone that was able to contribute to our gift to SFR. We gifted $4,000. Your generosity far exceeded my expectations. If you find you have an extra $5 or $10, don't hesitate to send it to SFR. I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated.

I'm looking forward to the next get together, whether it's with 5 people or 25 people, it will be fun. Len, I'm heading towards Buford, GA next year, and then Tampa for the Jopeks & Cernys.  Look out.

See you all soon!

Sister Corine

I am hoping that even though that great reunion is over the memories are not.  I am thinking of all of you and wondering how I can say "Merry Christmas" to you.  This is worth a try. 

I hope your lives have been fruitful and enriched since I saw you last and I pray that you have a blessed and happy Christmas and a New Year that finds you all in good health.

Peace and love

Sister Corine