Welcome To Our 50 Year Class Reunion
St Frances Of Rome Class Of 1963


The Class of 1963's 50th Reunion took place between September 27th and 29th.   Don't miss checking out the 50th Reunion Post Script page.



 Classmates: Please assist us by doing the things below.

      Update your Classmate profile.

      Share information you have about our Missing Classmates.

      Review the Class/Classmate Photos and Memory Lane photos.

      Use the Message Board to share thoughts with classmates.   

      Peruse the site's content.


Please email your digital 2013 reunion photos to Rich Gabriel at

(rgabriel613@gmail.com) for inclusion in Photobucket and the website.

If you upload photos to the website please still send the photos for inclusion

in Photobucket. The photos will appear larger at that location. Thank You!

- Rich Gabriel



   Contact Us if you have any questions or problems.

