Sr Corine's 60th Jubilee

Submitted by: Carolanne Melick

Over Memorial Day Weekend 2015 Kathy O'Connor, Tina Jandris and I travelled to San Antonio, Texas to attend Sr. Corine's 60th Jubilee celebration.  Sr. Corine has dedicated sixty years of her seventy-nine years of life as a member of the Order of Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word.

     On Sunday, May 23rd, there was a beautiful and festive two hour Mass honoring all the celebrants at the Incarnate Word Chapel.  It was followed by a luncheon at the Incarnate Word University.  Celebrants were surrounded by family (Sr. Corine's sister, Mary, from New York) and friends. 

     We met so many nuns from our days at St. Frances of Rome School.

     Sr. Eileen Friel (aka Sr. Alfred, 2nd grade) was also a sixty year celebrant with Sr. Corine.  Sr. Alfred was thrilled to receive a note from Jim Cerny that was delivered to her by Kathy O'Connor.

     Sr. Joan Moran (aka Sr. Alverna 6th grade) was also a sixty year celebrant.  However she was not able to attend any of the festivities due to health reasons.

     Sr. Rosita (4th grade) lives at the Incarnate Word facility, but again was  not able to attend due to health reasons.

     Others in attendance.....
     Sr. Paladius (2nd grade) had undergone a surgery to prevent shaking due to Parkinson's disease.  The shaking has ceased, but it left her with a slight speech slur.  She is quite independent and mobile.  Sends greetings to all her SFR second graders.

     Sr. Honorata was at the Mass.  We chatted with her for a while.  She looks great, she is strong and just retired from cleaning the Incarnate Word Chapel recently.  She walks swiftly with the help of a walker!

     Sr. Laura (first grade) is a pistol!!!  She is full of pep and energy and very chatty.  We had some fun conversations with her.  We told her that Kathy and I met in her class, so that makes our friendship sixty years old!!

     Sr. Frances Marie (7th grade) is in great physical and mental shape too.  She informed us that she preferred to teach first grade, but was assigned our seventh grade class and another nun was given a first grade class.  She learned to love us.  She is still a very gentle and kind person.

     Mary Lou Miller (aka Sr. Frances Clare) was present.  She left the Incarnate Word Order several years ago, but remained in San Antonio and is still friends with Sr. Corine and all the other nuns.  She was a college professor for years before her retirement.  She never mentioned striped gym shoes, but we did discuss prospective drawings that we did in Art class. 

     On Monday, May 25th, Tina, Kathy and I treated Sr. Corine to dinner at a restaurant on the Riverwalk.  We had her all to ourselves for an evening.  We shared a meal, memories and laughs.  She kept informing all of the restaurant staff that we were her eighth grade students from over fifty years ago!  She is certainly proud of our class!  What a fun time!  It was a special honor to be a part of her celebration.  She's off to Ireland now for a few weeks.  It's a trip she so wonderfully deserves. 

     Thank you, Sr. Corine, for the one year out of many years of service that you gave to us your first eighth grade class.  You've had a tremendous impact on our lives.  Thank you for the sixty years of service to the various assignments that you performed over the years.  We all wish you many more years of enjoyment and service.


Sr. Honorata
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